Dear Parents,
Child a very precious gift, God has given to the parents. And to be proud parents the most valuable gifts we can give to our beloved child is to facilitate his education in one of the best schools. A school with a global vision providing real life education where the wonder years of your child is shaped in such a way that he becomes confident, and an independent individual. I believe every child is endowed with intellectual and physical qualities. High ideals and human qualities of honesty, integrity,truth,dedication, devotion, discipline have to be inculcated in him to shape him into a good son,good citizen, an intelligent human and a morally responsible person. A good school can draw out the best of his latent potentialities by providing congenial atmosphere.
With these thoughts in mind ‘DHRUV PUBLIC SCHOOL’ was visualized. I perceived a school which would change norms of existing schools and provide quality education along with social and moral values like honesty, discipline truthfulness & respect to elders. I wish & hope that our sincere efforts will bear fruit and DHRUVIAN will grow up with self discipline, motivation and with a right aptitude.
It is my hope that the school meets the aspirations and requirements of the students of 21st Century. So, give your child a head start in life. Gift them a future, at Dhruv Public School. I welcome you to take this opportunity by choosing our school for your wards, where we make the right balance between academic and mental discipline along with performance.
With Regards