Dhruv Public School’s Senior wing is a very successful comprehensive school. We are well established in our local community with a consistent record of high standards. This is attributable to excellent examination results and acknowledges our caring and disciplined environment, combining formality with good relationships between teachers and students. Dhruv Public School seeks bright, motivated, and curious students who possess imagination, energy, a willingness to take risks, a concern for others, and a commitment to academic and personal growth. The school’s first curiosity is in your own abilities — your inquisitive mind, your initiative, your willingness to pursue a subject deeply and to think independently. We are also interested in what you have accomplished with those abilities — how you have ventured beyond your known talents and whether you have shown excellence in some things. In terms of activities, the senior wing balances all elements of teaching and personality development. With an emphasis on basics and building the fundamentals of students, the school balanced it exposure to extra-curricular activities and excursions. The academic focus of the school in the senior wing is balanced with a healthy exposure to sports. Students have a wide variety of activities to choose from. An added feature of the school is the career counseling provided to students in the senior classes, as it is a pivotal time of a child’s life and his decisions matters for life. It is a development process of student which emphasizes on two fold objectives. These objectives are continuity in evaluation and assessment of broad based learning and behavioural outcomes. The term ‘continuous’ is meant to emphasize that evaluation of identified aspects of students ‘growth and development’ is a continuous process rather than an event, built into the total teaching-learning process and spread over the entire span of academic session. It means regularity of assessment, frequency of unit testing, diagnosis of learning gaps, use of corrective measures, retesting and feedback of evidence to teachers and students for their self evaluation. The second term ‘comprehensive’ means that the scheme attempts to cover both the scholastic and the co-scholastic aspects of the students’ growth and development. Since abilities, attitudes and aptitudes can manifest themselves in forms other than the written word, the term refers to application of variety of tools and techniques (both testing and non-testing) and aims at assessing a learner’s development in different areas of learning. The Academic Year for Grade II onwards comprises of two terms: April to September and October to March. Formative Assessments are conducted during each term and a Summative Assessment is held at the end of the term. Promotion is based on the year’s work of the student. Hence, due importance is given to the Formative Assessments including Projects, Quizzes, Debates and other activities and also to regularity in attendance and work.

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